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TranslateCompiler API

TranslateCompiler API

After a translation file is loaded using the TranslateLoader, it is passed through the TranslateCompiler. The compiler’s job is to prepare the translation files for faster processing later. E.g. the ngx-translate-messageformat-compiler plugin makes use of this API to support ICU formatted messages.

To make use of a TranslateCompiler, pass it with the configuration of the TranslateModule.

export abstract class TranslateCompiler {
abstract compile(value: string, lang: string): string | Function;
abstract compileTranslations(translations: any, lang: string): any;
  • compile() is designed to compile a single translation.
  • compileTranslations() is designed to iterate over all translations of a file using the compile() method.

When translating a single message, the TranslateParser uses the result of that function to interpolate the result string. You can provide your own TranslateParser that works with your custom data.

The default parser works differently, depending on the result of each compiled message.

If the result is a string, it replaces all occurrences of a parameter enclosed in curly braces ({{parameter}}) with the parameter value.

If the result is a Function, it calls the function with the given translation parameters. The function is expected to accept an object and return a string:

"hello" = (params) => `Hello ${}!`
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