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ngx-translate offers several customizable classes, making it highly adaptable to virtually any localization requirement.

  • TranslateModule The core module for configuring ngx-translate. It allows you to set up basic configuration and specify which classes to override from the default implementation.

  • TranslateService The central service: It provides the API for interacting with your application, enabling you to load translations, switch languages, and retrieve translated messages.

  • TranslateLoader Handles the loading of translation files. It can either statically import translation data into the app or dynamically fetch it from a server, based on your configuration. Multiple loaders are available as plugins. The default loader, for example, retrieves JSON-formatted translation files from the assets folder at runtime. It is also possible to load other file formats such as .po files.

  • TranslationPipe and TranslationDirective These allow you to use translated texts directly within your templates. Both automatically update the UI when the language is switched at runtime.

  • MissingTranslationHandler By default, if a translation ID is missing, ngx-translate serves the translation from the default language, or if unavailable, returns the ID itself. The MissingTranslationHandler allows you to customize this behavior, providing flexibility in how missing translations are handled.

  • TranslateCompiler The compiler pre-processes translations after loading, allowing for performance-intensive operations to be executed once per message. The results are then cached for efficiency. It is commonly used to handle tasks like compiling ICU-formatted messages for advanced localization scenarios.

  • TranslateParser Injects parameters into translation strings, allowing dynamic content such as usernames in greetings or other variable elements in your messages. This is called each time a translation message is requested and should only perform lightweight operations. The default implementation simply replaces all strings in {{...}} with the matching provided parameter.

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